Every website have gone through revisions since their inception, and now so have we! Introducing PaintballTech.Net 2.0! All new theme, all new sections and all new content for your reading pleasure.

So what’s new besides the look? Categories, integrated web store, dedicated photo galleries and more!

The Categories

First and foremost is a new site organization to help y0u quickly and easily locate articles relating to your interests. We’ve broken news down to Featured articles, Gear, Opinion, Scenario, Speedball and TechShop. Each category has sub-categories to help further organize content. As we continue to grow and expand along with the industry these may change in order to provide a quick and simple way to find articles that interest you.


In this new iteration of a website we’ve enabled comments (with an account) on all of our content. We are a family friendly business and website so be sure to read up on our comments policy.

The Other Menu

In the upper left corner of the site, underneath our logo is another drop down menu to take you to more awesome content, from our Splattshopp to our Events Calendar and our media libraries (Outside The Mesh).


The SplattShop

Our webshop is not only integrated into the website, but it has been greatly improved to provide you a better experience. The old link http://shop.paintballtech.net still works and will now redirect you there. Keep an eye on the shop as we’re kicking up our shirt production this upcoming year as well as adding more paintball lifestyle products!

Events, Fields and Shops

As someone who travels a lot for work I find myself struggling to find shops and fields near where I am going. Some sites have a good listing of locations, or a listing of events, but rarely both. Here events and field listings are closely tied together. You can check out a field, and if they have an event that we have listed is will show directly on the field listing! This also works in reverse. If you’re looking up a special event and want to know more about the field that’s hosting it, there is a link on the event pages to take you to the field’s PBTech page.

If you’re a field owner and/or an event coordinator and wish to have your field or event listed feel free to email us at contact@paintballtech.net.

Outside the Mesh

We admit, this section is a bit cheekily named, but it works, right? This is where we are posting photo galleries of various things, such as event coverage or photos from a marker breakdown guide. The video library is directly linked to our YouTube channel, so videos uploaded there can be enjoyed here as well! To save some time, be sure to subscribe to our channel!



What’s a new site without new content? One of the major reasons for the re-design was to allow for easier content publication. Along side the re-design we have been working on creating all new content for you to enjoy. So come on in, take a look around, sign up for an account and let us know how you like the new site!


Image Credit: Deadly Couture Photography